“Who dares disturb the repose of the genie of the lamp? Bow before me, puny mortal!”
“Ah, you again! Have you decided what to wish for?”
“Stop that! It tickles!”
“Study it at your leisure and summon me when you think the time is right.”
“Just between you and me, that ‘puny mortal’ stuff is in the contract. We all have to say it. Of course I’m glad to get out of that smelly lamp and catch a breath of fresh air.
“I know what you’re thinking: rub the lamp, get three wishes. Well, we’ve finally got a decent union, so now it’s one wish per customer, subject to certain limitations.
“Here’s the relevant page of our contract.”
“Splendid! Just tell me what you want and I'll see what I can do.”
“Sorry, we don’t do straight teleportations. I could do you a mode of transport if you tell me exactly what you need.”
“Sorry, but we stopped doing transformations years ago. There’s a gadget you can pick up that will let you do it yourself.”
“Looks as if you’re on the right track already, so you don't need my help there.”
“You call that a wish? We give out that kind of information for free! Your friend's waiting right where he said he'd be.”
“Anything else I can do for you?”
“Sure thing! One flying carpet, coming right up! Rolls up for convenient storage, responds to simple voice commands—”
“’Bye now! It’s been a pleasure doing business with you.”
“Sorry, that’s out of my department. Feel free to call me when you need me.”